220KN to 580KN HGN(k) Hydraulic Guillotine Shears
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220KN to 580KN HGN(k) Hydraulic Guillotine Shears
  • 220KN to 580KN HGN(k) Hydraulic Guillotine Shears
  • 220KN to 580KN HGN(k) Hydraulic Guillotine Shears
  • 220KN to 580KN HGN(k) Hydraulic Guillotine Shears
  • 220KN to 580KN HGN(k) Hydraulic Guillotine Shears
  • 220KN to 580KN HGN(k) Hydraulic Guillotine Shears

220KN to 580KN HGN(k) Hydraulic Guillotine Shears

HGN(K) series Hydraulic guillotine features in a unique turret structure of three idler rollers guiding the rail. The former pre-pressing lead rail makes the turret be tightly between the upper rail and the lower rail and continually repeat reciprocating

Parameters of 220KN to 580KN HGN(k) Hydraulic Guillotine Shears

Specification 25/8 31/8 40/8 50/8 25/13 31/13
Mild steel (45kg/mm2) 8 8 8 8 13 13
Stainless steel 4 4 4 4 8 8
Cutting length    mm 2500 3100 4000 5000 2500 3100
Max. cutting force  KN 220 275 275 245 580 580
Backgauge range  mm 750 750 750 1000 1000 1000
Rake angle adjustment 0.5~2.5 0.5~2.0 0.5~2.0 0.5~2.5 0.5~2.5 0.5~2.5
Strokes per minute 17 15 11 8 9 9
Frame throat     mm 100 100 100 100 100 100
Number of holddowns 14 17 22 26 14 17
Volume of oil tank  L 290 350 400 605 383 449
Motor power     kw 11 11 15 18.5 15 15
Approx. weight   kg 6000 6500 10800 19000 7500 8700
Length          mm 3155 3755 4750 5885 3260 3860
Width  mm 1850 1850 1920 2170 2150 2150
Height   mm 2180 2180 2325 2520 2320 2320

HGN(K) Series Hydraulic Guillotine Shears Introduction
HGN (K) series power squaring shear machine adopts an optimized frame designed by UG-software. The wholly welded structure shows good strength and rigidity. Stable integrated hydraulic system contributes to safe and reliable operation. This type of shearing machines allows for blades gap and shearing angle adjustment, which is a key point to get desired products.

1. HGN(K) series hydraulic guillotine features in a unique turret structure of three idler rollers guiding the rail. The former pre-pressing lead rail makes the turret be tightly between the upper rail and the lower rail and continually repeat reciprocating action.
2. These power squaring shear machines have the merits of integrated hydraulic system, with high quality hydraulic components and seals made by world-famous companies, so as to minimize hydraulic tubing to the least degree and ensure safe and reliable operation.
3. Hydraulic components and seals are all in the sizes conforming to ISO and DIN standards.
4. When cutting plates of different kinds and thicknesses, blades clearance can be easily adjusted through a blades gap quick adjustment device. In addition, blades gap value is shown on a dial plate.
5. Shear angle adjustment is available so that material distortions could be minimized.
6. Our hydraulic guillotines are equipped with a centralized button station, contributing to easy operation.
7. This series power squaring shear machine is also characterized with brief appearance and great shape.
HGN(K) Series Hydraulic Guillotine Shears Introduction
HGN (K) series power squaring shear machine adopts an optimized frame designed by UG-software. The wholly welded structure shows good strength and rigidity. Stable integrated hydraulic system contributes to safe and reliable operation. This type of shearing machines allows for blades gap and shearing angle adjustment, which is a key point to get desired products.

Parameters of 220KN to 580KN HGN(k) Hydraulic Guillotine Shears

Specification 25/8 31/8 40/8 50/8 25/13 31/13
Mild steel (45kg/mm2) 8 8 8 8 13 13
Stainless steel 4 4 4 4 8 8
Cutting length    mm 2500 3100 4000 5000 2500 3100
Max. cutting force  KN 220 275 275 245 580 580
Backgauge range  mm 750 750 750 1000 1000 1000
Rake angle adjustment 0.5~2.5 0.5~2.0 0.5~2.0 0.5~2.5 0.5~2.5 0.5~2.5
Strokes per minute 17 15 11 8 9 9
Frame throat     mm 100 100 100 100 100 100
Number of holddowns 14 17 22 26 14 17
Volume of oil tank  L 290 350 400 605 383 449
Motor power     kw 11 11 15 18.5 15 15
Approx. weight   kg 6000 6500 10800 19000 7500 8700
Length          mm 3155 3755 4750 5885 3260 3860
Width  mm 1850 1850 1920 2170 2150 2150
Height   mm 2180 2180 2325 2520 2320 2320
1. HGN(K) series hydraulic guillotine features in a unique turret structure of three idler rollers guiding the rail. The former pre-pressing lead rail makes the turret be tightly between the upper rail and the lower rail and continually repeat reciprocating action.
2. These power squaring shear machines have the merits of integrated hydraulic system, with high quality hydraulic components and seals made by world-famous companies, so as to minimize hydraulic tubing to the least degree and ensure safe and reliable operation.
3. Hydraulic components and seals are all in the sizes conforming to ISO and DIN standards.
4. When cutting plates of different kinds and thicknesses, blades clearance can be easily adjusted through a blades gap quick adjustment device. In addition, blades gap value is shown on a dial plate.
5. Shear angle adjustment is available so that material distortions could be minimized.
6. Our hydraulic guillotines are equipped with a centralized button station, contributing to easy operation.
7. This series power squaring shear machine is also characterized with brief appearance and great shape.
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